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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

John Mitrano

Hello, I’m Aleksandra Sielski, currently participating in the internship program at Techdesigno. I am a rising senior and double major in Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIENT) and Anthropology at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. 

 At Techdesigno, Ive been learning how to write effective blog posts, learn more about different digital marketing techniques and putting them to practice, logo making, how to utilize adobe tools, managing subscribers for websites, building websites, using Wordpress, SEO (search engine optimization), and how to interact with clients. 

I’m someone who enjoys new opportunities and the ability to learn and do something that may not be my expertise. I believe that it is important to be well rounded and not be closed off to work or life experiences that can make you grow as a valuable worker or person. I completed the Google Fundamentals of Marketing and WordPress Essential Training courses. These days, I am particularity interested in Social Media and how it can be one of your biggest assets in expanding your business and reaching one’s targeted audience. I enjoy researching and learning more about emerging technologies and topics to get a better understanding of the new digital era. 

 Furthermore, I love the environment of Techdesigno and the talented team that I have gotten to grow and learn with. I’ve been learning a lot by meeting various clients and sitting in on meetings and even interacting with them while witnessing how my colleagues assist them. 

 My dream is to become a professional who can assist and consult clients in the best way possible and deliver results for them.

Favorite Quotes

“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting the rest of our lives.” -Lemony Snicket; The Ersatz Elevator