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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

We provide professional digital photography services by using a high-resolution digital camera and scanners to electronically capture and produce images using a CCD. Scanners, software, computers and printers are used together with the camera to produce the final quality image.

With the explosion of tablet computers, especially those manufactured by Apple, which have retina quality displays, the quality of photography is paramount. In other words, low-quality or low-resolution images will accentuate any flaws. Therefore, having high-quality photography and high-resolution photos are essential when viewing from products such as Apple tablets with retina display because of the HD (high-definition) and high-resolution screens. Other computer manufacturers will follow suit.

Most internet users today are savvy when viewing websites and can discern between good quality and poor quality imagery and photography. Visitors and users of your website will continue to become more particular and expect quality photography from you and your business website, especially when users adopt higher quality digital displays, computers, and mobile devices, as we are starting to see with smart phones, phablets, tablets, and computers.

Contact us for a free, no obligation consultation. Call 973-736-7973 or email us today!