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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

Now if you have ever heard of Wordpress, you probably have come to realize that it is pretty much synonymous with Blogging. And now maybe you're thinking "Well who cares about blogging. I don't want toTechdesigno Wordpress Website blog. I just don't want to!". Or maybe not. The point is whether you like it or not, it is actually a really important part of your business.

Would you like to know why? Well the general consensus is that it makes you more popular and we're not talking Prom King or Queen of the Internet - if there was such a thing I would vote for Google. Sorry, maybe next year. But it will increase traffic and more traffic means more opportunity for sales. Let's take a look.

Here are 4 reasons you need to blog:

  1.          Drive traffic to your website
  2.          Increase your SEO/ SERP
  3.          Position your brand as an industry leader
  4.          Develop better customer relationships

(borrowed from

You can read the full article here.

So, maybe you're thinking "Alright, I'll bite. I'll start blogging." And that's great. Whether you just want a standalone blog or you want it to be married to your website we can get you started with a pretty great looking blog where you are finally free to post just about whatever you want because providing knowledge is one of the best ways to keep your customers coming back. Although we do suggest keeping it relevant to your business.  You can also get a personal blog so you can finally rant and/or rave about all the things you love and hate. Sounds fun.

Interested in a Wordpress website? Contact us for a free, no obligation consultation. Call 973-736-7973 or email us today!