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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

Today's business environment is highly competitive and the loss of critical business data in your day-to-day operations could be time consuming and even devastating. That is why having a data backup and recovery plan is crucial. Personal and company data can be backed up onto internal or external backup drives, removable storage devices, or remote backup services.

Let us help you implement a data backup and recovery plan. Backing up data files will help protect against accidental loss of important operational data, hardware failures, and even fire, flood, or theft.

Techdesigno can assist with the following data backup issues:

  • Choosing & Creating a Backup & Recovery Plan
  • Selecting Removable Backup Devices
  • Proper Back Up Your Data
  • Effective testing of backed up data for recovery
  • Disaster Recovery

Let us also help you choose and create a Backup and Recovery Plan because some of these decisions could be difficult to make.We will need to figure out what specific data needs to be backed up, how often the data should be backed up, and the best practice method to do such.

So whom can you turn to when looking to data backup and recovery services? Finding a qualified specialist capable of undertaking your data backup needs in a professional, competent and efficient manner can be a difficult task, and this is even more critical when doing data backup. Let us offer you our assistance.

 Call 973-736-7973 or email us today to protect your information.