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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

Hi, my name is AnnMarie Klusey and I'm an intern at Techdesigno. I really love working here because I get to learn new things that I didn't know before and I also get to learn how to do Search Engine Optimization or (SEO ) for short and I really think that is so cool.

Ever since I started doing my internship here at Techdesigno it has really opened my eyes to all the cool things that I could learn and put it to good use in the work field. I really love being here because I get to create new websites for people that need it, or even help them to boost up their sites so they can become one on Google.

In the summer of last year, I graduated from Essex County College with my Certificate of Completion and I'm really proud of my self. And, now I'm a junior at a college called Brigham Young University Idaho or (BYU-I) for short. At first, my major was Computer Info Technology then, I decided to switch my major to Marriage and Family Studies and I'm really enjoying it.

I just finished doing a better website for one of our clients called Joe the Greek and I think it came out really nicely. 






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