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Erik Perks

Hello, my name is Erik Perks and I am participating in a work study program here at Techdesigno. I am currently studying Art, Design and Interactive Multimedia at Seton Hall University and working to get my bachelor’s degree.

I always had an interest in art since I was young. Working here at Techdesigno has given me the opportunity to show my creativity and explore different elements in the design field. What’s great about working at Techdesigno is all the opportunities that the company provides; learning how to work with clients, networking, website developing, logo design, social media, SEO, digital online marketing, and the rising technology of artificial intelligence.

I have worked on logo designs for small start up companies and drawings for a video animation. I have taken training courses to improve my skills in the digital world like Adobe, Google Certification courses, Google’s Digital Marketing Certification, Google’s Analytics 4 (GA4), Wordpress, and Joomla. My favorite part of my time here at Techdesigno is the work environment. I have learned a lot from the team here. We help each other through projects when needed and collaborate on projects to make sure we get the best out of our design. It helps us learn and grow as a company.

Favorite Quote

 “There are three responses to a piece of design. Yes, no and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser