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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

My name is Kyonna Estes and my positions here at Techdesigno are Web/Graphic Designer and Illustrator. I graduated from Essex County College with an Associates in Applied Science, majoring in New Media Technology. I am now attending Seton Hall University as a Junior majoring in Art Design & Interactive Media. I plan to pursue the following careers: Special Effects Artist, 3D Modeler, Graphic Designer, Film Editor, and Photographer.

I have loved art ever since I was 12 years-old. In 7th grade, I enrolled into an Art Magnet class for two years for studio (hands-on) art. However, it wasn't until I went to High School that I became mostly interested in the digital arts. After getting into designing, I began realizing a lot of things. I started appreciating and criticizing designs, such as websites, business cards, posters, store signs, etc. I would recognize what I like and don’t like, and I would think about the tools used to design the artwork. I would really get deep in to it. It's fun to think about, and some designs are very inspiring to me. I am still trying to strengthen my creativity and learn from others. I want perfect my own designs and become quicker with my
design plans.

I first started working at Techdesigno as an intern over the summer of 2013. After the internship was over, I was employed for doing such great and satisfying work. What I like about working at Techdesigno is that I can create designs and put them on display for clients' websites and posters. Just knowing that my work is a part of something official, and not just a homework assignment, makes me feel proud. I've learned a lot from working here, which I believe will benefit me at Seton Hall University.

Kyonna's Gallery