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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

Techdesigno Installs a New Digital Signage Display at the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, NJ

john digital sign collage final

The Zoological Society of New Jersey (a.k.a, Turtle Back Zoo) in West Orange, NJ recently called upon us at Techdesigno to complete the installation of the Zoo’s first outdoor digital signage display for visitors to be better informed when entering the Zoo’s park.  One of our Technicians, John Mitrano, is seen here installing and configuring the digital signage display with the following items:

1) Installing an Intel® NUC, a powerful four-by-four inch mini PC running MS Windows

2) Activating Microsoft Windows in the NUC

3) Wiring the NUC to the back of the digital display with its data cables, HDMI video cable and power connectivity.

4) Connecting, wiring and mounting the NUC into a weatherproof protective box

5) Configuring the NUC to the Zoo’s local WiFi network

6) And, finally confirming with the content creator that all was enabled for the delivery of content to the digital signage display system

Digital signage is being utilized more in parks than ever before. They increasingly provide a better visitor experience and improve a park’s efficiency in disseminating communication messages and information to their visitors and guests.

This can be a fantastic method to inform and promote newly installed exhibits and attractions in and around the park. Although static signs are useful, they come with limitations, unlike with digital signage. For example, digital signage provides for a dynamic display that allow a park, like the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, NJ, an Essex County maintained park, to easily update content instantly and to change information remotely.

This new digital sign installed at the Turtle Back Zoo located in the township of West Orange, NJ (Essex County, NJ) allows the Turtle Back Zoo’s management to quickly communicate information by displaying a map with directions to help guests find special exhibits and attractions they are interested in seeing. This digital signage installation at the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, NJ helps improve the guest experience and improves on safety, as well.

The Turtle Back Zoo’s newly installed digital signage can be easily customized and updated. Also, the Zoo here in West Orange, NJ will not have to spend as much money on the printing and distribution of informational handouts or flyers. Digital signage in the park at the Turtle Back Zoo allows them to put up emergency notices and to create a festive mood. So, the ultimate goal is to allow all visitors and guests coming to the Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange, NJ to have an enjoyable and pleasant visit every time.

Contact us to schedule an onsite appointment in West Orange, NJ
located in Essex County, NJ