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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

The Health & Safety of Our West Orange & Essex County Community are of Primary Concern.

John Mitrano

Dear Friends,  As you know we are going through a time of uncertainty and caution with regard to the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).

At Techdesigno, the health and safety of our clients and community are of primary concern.  We are committed to continuing to provide the highest levels of personal service, yet we understand that an in-person meeting is not a comfortable or not always a safe option for many at this time.

We have decided to suspend onsite meetings beginning March 17th through March 30th as a first step and precautionary measure to reduce the exposure and spread of this virus.

We are happy to consult via phone or through an online meeting option. If you are not familiar with online meeting options, we can provide training to help you understand it and get set up.

Techdesigno technicians are also on hand to provide remote training if you need to become proficient in conducting business in other areas of your life. We will be working in our office sporadically for the next two weeks.

As always, should you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to email us at CONTACT US HERE or call 973-736-7973 to set up a phone consult and we will reply promptly.

With all best wishes for your continued safety and good health.  Sincerely, John Mitrano