Best SEO Tips: How to Write a Good About Us Page
One of the best SEO tips in online content creation is knowing how to write a good About Us page for your company website. The About Us page can fulfill multiple professional needs, including SEO searchability. However, the About Us page also allows for your website to be personable and represent your personality as the person or people behind a brand or company.
About Us Page Template
Different businesses use the About Us page template to meet various needs. It’s not the length of the page that matters as much as the type of information you’re sharing online. You’re free to include any important or special information, but there are a few unsaid or understood industry “rules” about what must be in your About Us page for SEO results.
- Include your company or brand mission statement and long-term vision.
- Tell the backstory of your business with dates, geographic locations, and names.
- Only include facts and never lie on your website’s About Us page.
- Be sure to say something personal or “behind the scenes” about yourself.
Improve SEO – About Us Page Content
How can you improve SEO results with the About Us page content? This is the goal of most website content, but most website pages serve a functional or sales purpose. If you’re selling something or charging for a service, your other pages are there to make those items searchable with great SEO content. The About Us page isn’t there for sales. It’s there to make you searchable and easy to find. You – you’re the About Us page. Many companies skip the personal bio and forget that you can improve SEO by writing content on your website that is not repeating the same commercial lingo over and over again. It adds credible weight to the content of your page that any search algorithm will pick up. New words, dates, proper nouns, fun facts, and mission statements allow for a more interesting read than a sales pitch website.
How to Write About Us for Website
When you are creating your content or improving existing content, you want to take a look at how to write About Us for website SEO results. What does this mean? Simply put, you want to get personable but not too personal and long-winded. No stranger wants to read your whole life story either. They just want to feel a connection with you that if they’re spending their money on you, you’re the right fit in some way. It’s important to still think in SEO results when choosing the language for your bio sections and mission statements online.
- Keep your background bio to a paragraph that includes proper names, geographic locations about where you’re from and where you are now, colleges and institutions attended, organization affiliations, and any important dates. These will show up in search engine matches.
- When writing about your mission statement, vision, or company goals, be sure to research some SEO phrasing. Think of the way people search for topics. About Us page examples are: how to, where do, what is, why are, and any “question” that can fit your main SEO keywords into your mission statement for the About Us page.
- Identify 3-5 legitimate accomplishments and highlights about yourself and business. Think of interesting factoids that are not centered around sales. Include those as “fun facts” or subtly mention them throughout the About Us content.
- Be gracious and mention other people in your life and business who matter or have been a part of your journey, including other businesses. Yes, the About Us page is the ideal place for linking and mentioning any beneficial name-dropping. People want to know who you know! This is also a wonderful space to shoutout staff and employees with their accomplishments and roles.
Best About Us Pages – West Orange, NJ
With clients from all kinds of industries, TechDesigno in West Orange, NJ often manages the About Us page examples that we’ll discuss below. It is not really easy to know how to write an About Us page, much less know what to do with it after its done. Most people don’t like writing about themselves, because they feel it is bragging or that no one reads bios. This can be true when a potential customer is in a rush, but most people have no problem these days wasting hours on their devices. The key is to share links on social media and linking within the website.
- Use your About Us page link on other pages of your website wherever you use your business name. It’s a great way to peak curiosity to read more.
- Share content on social media and don’t be afraid to include the company bio link.
- Update your company’s social media profiles with the About Us link for a while.
- Send email blasts that give people more than a sales pitch and include bio links.
- Update your sales pitch emails and written follow-up communication with bio links.
- If you don’t want to tell a long story, tell a short story, but keep it interesting!
When it comes to SEO content and the best ways to improve SEO results, every website page counts. Creating a personal bio or professional bio may seem like more work, but it pays off. Connecting with people in a positive way is a standard tenet of good business practices. In today’s modern world of technology and social media, you need to make information about yourself easy to find. With the best SEO content, your About Us page gives you control over that information and how people find it.
If you have a business or organization located in the Essex County, NJ area and wish to get assistance with How to Write a Good About Us Page for your business website, Techdesigno in West Orange, NJ is here to help. The Techdesigno Team is located in West Orange, NJ, and is available to evaluate and discuss your SEO content needs. Contact them by calling 973-736-7973 or via email. Click below to schedule an appointment to discuss how to improve SEO results with About Us page content in the Essex County, NJ area.
Click Here for How to Write a Good About Us Page for your Essex County, NJ Business