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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

Hello, my name is Brigitte Arroyo. I am an illustrator and graphic/ web designer here at Tech Designo. I am currently a junior at Saint Peter's University, where I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in Graphic Arts. 

Being an intern at Tech Designo has really opened my mind to different possibilities and techniques I can do. I have gained experience from hands- on projects from clients and others around me.  During my time here, I enjoy the oppurtonity I am given to show clients what I can do. My passion for art has started ever since I was a kid. Art helps me explore my imagination and helps me express myself. I love seeing artwork from others as a sense of inspiration and appreciation. 

My goal is to become an animator. As a kid, watching all those disney movies and characters that I love today, has inspire me to want to create something like. I want to be able to create animation and characters that future generation will admire. I want to be able use my talent in order to give to the world.