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59 Main Street - Suite 345, West Orange, NJ 07052

Techdesigno Digital Design Agency Partners with West Orange Arts Council to Redesign Their Website

West Orange Arts Council's newly redesigned website

When the West Orange Arts Council (WOAC) wanted to redesign their website, they contacted Techdesigno, a West Orange digital design agency and online marketing company to assist them. After listening as the WOAC board explained what they were looking for, Techdesigno Owner, John Mitrano and Senior Web Designer, Rodrigo Flores, evaluated the original website’s design and proposed a new design and additional functionality that would help the WOAC further their mission.

Both John and Rodrigo were excited about the project.  John Mitrano said, “I was so pleased to hear that we were asked to redevelop the community web site for the West Orange Arts Council. They are a non-profit art organization and are doing such wonderful cultural and community art events in and around the Valley Arts District of West Orange, NJ. I especially enjoyed hearing this idea because I have always had an affinity with the creative arts field. But, more importantly, the web site requirements included the goal to consolidate a number of elements to be conducted all as backend functionality, all under one hood, so to speak. Such functionality included a members database, members signup, members payment gateway, Secure 256-bit encryption, SSL Certificate, ADA website compliant solution, Google’s online calendar, and the ConstantContact ESP email signup integration. By accomplishing all of this consolidation in one place will help save the West Orange Arts Council much money along with the cancellation of redundant services that will no longer be needed. We were happy to see this project through and bring them the results they are seeking.”

Having a Safe Passover with Family & Friends During COVID-19

Happy PassoverPassover is a time of the year to enjoy being with family and friends and also is a very special time where people come together and celebrate freedom from slavery. This year we will be more creative in the ways that we celebrate.

Here is a Passover message in the time of COVID-19 by RABBI DAVID ROSENBERG. And here is what he had to say:

“This year, Passover—like so many other aspects of human life—must shelter in place. Families who had looked forward to large gatherings with friends now expect small gatherings of immediate family members. Many will look around the table and think of loved ones who are not there. Some will be attending Seders for a party of one. How different this Passover is from other Passovers! The joy of the holiday has been reduced by the need to keep safe during a pandemic.”

“Celebrating Passover during this unprecedented time can serve to remind us that many people do not experience joy and that many are familiar with social isolation regardless of calls for staying at home. This Passover season can inspire us to reach out with a caring phone call or to connect with others in new ways that smartphones and laptops make possible.”

Livingston, NJ Businesses in Essex County, NJ Area are Making Life Easier with an ADA Accessible Website Design

ada compliant website blog v2By now we all are far too familiar with online learning, online working, and online shopping. With all that screen time, website accessibility, making your website easy to navigate and to get things done,
is a hot and highly litigious topic. Knowing what you can do to make sure your business website complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is one of the best business decisions you can make in 2021.

Most people are familiar with ADA, but some don’t know that their non-compliant website can be exposing them to the risk of lawsuits. Compliance is achieved through website accessibility, also called responsive design, removing barriers to digital access for those who are differently abled. Yet unfortunately most of the internet is still not accessible to the 61 million American internet users with disabilities.

Being inaccessible is when someone without sight or limited vision is not able to see images on your website and you do not provide alternative text describing the images. It is inaccessible or poor web design if someone with motor disabilities or weak muscles only uses a keyboard (without a mouse) to surf the web and your website does not allow navigation without a mouse. These common place scenarios are placing hundreds of businesses at risk every day.

Techdesigno, Digital Marketing Agency, Announces Partnership with Staples Connect in West Orange, NJ

Staples Connect partnership 600 web

Techdesigno is very excited to join the Staples Connect community. As a partner we really feel Staples Connect has values that align with ours. Staples Connect has three main goals:

  1. Inspire work and learn from home solutions.
  2. Connect small businesses with local communities.
  3. Provide same day access to products in-store and online.

These goals are selfless in nature and allow for great collaboration and growth between Staples, small businesses and their surrounding communities. There is something brewing at Staples Connect and we are fortunate to be at the forefront of something special. We are even more fortunate that they chose to work with Techdesigno.

At Techdesigno we have always been interested in finding the best way to reach our community and Staples Connect gives us that opportunity. In the past we have given tabletop presentations in the West Orange, NJ Staples location where we’ve answered a variety of website and online marketing questions. Staples Connect customers can now access Techdesigno through Staples without having to meet face to face at a tabletop event.

West Orange, NJ Digital Online Marketing Agency Supports Black History Month

black history month 600 300 We are fortunate to have many opportunities in West Orange and in Essex County area to take part in events to celebrate the achievements, contributions, and history of African Americans.

Here are a few that Techdesigno and our team are planning to attend or support:

EVENT 1: West Orange Public Library
Saturday, February 13, 2021 3:00pm - 4:00pm
What's In Your Hand? A Healing Hand Collage Project
Free (Virtual) Event (1st 20 registrants receive kits free of charge supplied by Mansa Mussa to be picked up at West Orange Public Library)

This Healing Hand Collage Workshop, led by arts educator Mansa K. Mussa, will utilize graphics, images of historical African-Americans, text, and photographic portraits to create a personal narrative between workshop participants and the historical context of the Voting Rights Act. Registration and more info:

EVENT 2: Maplewood Arts and Culture
African Cuisine thru Traditions and a Modern Approach (Sponsored by Chef Jesse Jones)
Friday, February 12- 2021 12:00-1:30pm
Free (Virtual) Event

Using his French training and techniques, Chef Jesse paves the way in keeping traditional Southern cooking alive with his contemporary point of view. Join Chef Jesse for a food demo and lecture about his book, “POW! My Life in 40 Feasts” – a cookbook and memoir.
Registration info: Meeting Registration - Zoom